I Am Thankful For…

I have many things and many people to be thankful for. Above so many, my sister.

My sister has always looked out for me. She was often like a second mother while we were all growing up, and my own kids are lucky enough to know her love too. She is and has always been one of the most enthusiastic supporters of my art (or pretty much anything I've wanted to do) and is the biggest reason I could walk away from my corporate job to keep pursuing it as my real work, which is completely crazy.

If you know her then you already know this; there is no one with a bigger, more loving heart and no bigger cheerleader for the people she loves or causes she cares about. I couldn't be more proud of my sister or more thankful for the kind of person she is.

No hay mejor amiga que una hermana, y no hay mejor hermana que tú!


A Little Bit of Perspective


Jump Into Live Event Painting